Chef Mickey’s, located in Disney’s Contemporary Resort, is the quintessential character meal and probably what comes to mind when first time guests hear the phrase. Mickey and his pals roaming around the primary colored restaurant while patrons munch on Mickey-shaped treats. Yes, this is what character meals should be!
I will admit the reviews aren’t always great. Mediocre food, rushed character interactions and long wait times have littered the review sites, but I’m willing to look past all that. And I’m not a Disney apologist. Because this is what your had in mind when you dropped that first quarter in the jar and imagined what it would be like to take your family to visit Mickey. If you go in with the right mindset, this is a fun one!
The Atmosphere
Situated just past the Contempo Cafe and the Outer Rim and just under the monorail track, you’ll find the restaurant. It’s a busy, bustling area, but for me it just adds to the atmosphere. Characters are making their way around the restaurant in full view of passersby as the monorail whizzes through the hotel. It’s just so Disney!
We’ve tried breakfast and dinner at Chef Mickey’s and were satisfied with both. Lunch is now offered, as well. While nothing in particular stands out for me, the food is varied and adequate. It’s definitely not a signature restaurant, but it’s not meant to be. This is food for the masses with a lot of kiddie palates to please, so check your foodie card at the door and enjoy the plentiful buffet for what it is.
Custom Cakes
If you’re interested in ordering a specialty cake like our Tower of Terror cake in the dinner gallery above, call 407-827-2253 for more information. The sky’s the limit (well, almost) with what the bakers can create when it comes to Disney specialty cakes. The sky is also the limit with the cost, so be sure to discuss that when ordering. The Tower of Terror cake was a $50 creation and was a white cake with strawberries and custard filling. We actually ended up getting it gratis because they messed up the dates, and it was created too early. Not gonna turn that down!
Chef Mickey’s is one of the busiest restaurants on property, and these characters have a lot of friends to play with, so I concur with all of the reviews that the characters can be a little rushed. You’ll notice in our video below, though, that most of the characters do stop long enough to sign autographs, take pictures and play a bit. The only character we ever felt truly rushed through our time with him is Mickey. And it’s been every time. And I get it. But we’re all here to see you, Mick. This is YOUR restaurant. Quit tapping your fingers (for real…check out red jacket Mickey at the beginning of the video) and hug on my kids a bit, hmmkay? You’re a busy mouse, but show a little love. <3
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
@magicmemoriesmayhem Take a peek at the characters and food options at Chef Mickey’s and Disney’s Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World. ✨✨✨ #DisneyWorld#DisneyTips#DisneyHacksChefMickey #CHARACTERMeals
Lukewarm reviews aside, I always recommend Chef Mickey’s to first-timers because there’s just something magical about dining with the fab five while the monorails float over head and Magic Kingdom right next door. Go in with that in mind, immerse yourself in the bright colors and bubbly music and enjoy!
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