Behold the humble ziptop bags! We use them often, we toss them, but did you know they make a GREAT addition to your Disney vacation prep? Read on to see how the MMM crew puts this little plastic soldier to work on our trips.

  1.  Mini Packing Cubes: I am a big fan of packing cubes for myself. They really allow me to streamline what I’m taking and it physically helps take up less space by having a sort of vaccuum packing effect. I do the same with the kids except I pack by day in ziptop bags. This serves multiple purposes. I can easily see at a glance how may outfits I’ve packed, it cuts down on space and the littles can easily get them selves ready each day on vacation. When each day is done, we reuse the bags in the parks, repack dirty clothes in them, or use them to pack wet swimsuits after our “last day swim” before heading home.
  2. To Go Bags: Quick service meals, especially for kids, often leave us with leftovers. With the amount they charge, this bougie on a budget mama isn’t about to leave half the snacks on the table. Kids meals come with sides of fries, cuties, grapes, carrots, etc. Mine usually rip open a package and take out a singular grape then declare “Done!” I know they’re not. They know they’re not. So I swipe up those opened snacks and drop them in a bag. 20 minutes later when someone is asking for a snack, voila!
  3. Waterproofing: Water rides and afternoon showers can spell trouble for your gear. Slip your phone into a ziptop bag before hopping on Kali. Pack the kids autograph books and pens (affiliate link) in a bag to keep them protected from the storms and you’ll always have everything together for the characters.
  4. Extra Clothes: If you’re traveling with littles who can’t resist a splash pad, throw extra clothes in a bag. When they’re fully drenched, switch out the outfits, zip up those wet duds, and you’re good to go. Also great for potty trainers and exploding diapers, if you catch my drift. Sometimes, though, you’re better off leaving those in the garbage.


That’s how we utilize the good ol’ zippy bag. What about you? Any tips or tricks to add? Tell us in the comments!